Documentation PROPHET64-Midi-Interface V1.0 I take no responsibility for any bugs or damage caused by building or using the PROPHET64-Midi-Interface. (c) 2005 Thomas Margolf aka firestARTer Introduction The PROPHET64-Midi-Interface is a simple Midi-Interface that makes it possible to syncronize your Prophet64 software on your Commodore64 with every Midi-Clock-Capable device such as a sequencer or a drum-machine. Do It Yourself It's very easy to built your own PROPHET64-Midi-Interface with the provided schematics from the project-page ( You don't need any power-supply as the circuit uses your Commodore64 as power-source. ********* Take care that you check your circuit twice and also ***** ********* that your connection to the userport is 100% ok, as ****** ********* the internal fuse of the Commodore64 could get *********** ********* damaged if there's something wrong!!! ******************** The view of the userport-connector in the provided schematics is to the soldering side of the userport-connector (looking at the C64). Function When turning your C64 on, the LED should flash twice and turns off. After Receiving a Midi-Start or Midi-Continue commando the LED should turn on and your interface should syncronize the PROPHET64 software to your Midi-Source. After receiving a Midi-Stop, it should stop syncronizing and the LED should also turn off. All other Midi-Data is filtered. For information about how to set-up your commodore with prophet, check the official Prophet64 Page: You can get the Part-list, circuit and needed software at the project page: Feel free to send any comments and critics to firestarter*at*sidsyn*dot*com or use the official Group: V1.0 25.07.2005